There were only two of us arriving the first night but more were coming on Monday. As we stepped off the plane the humidity was stronger and the heat felt different than that of the United States. We were herded into a bus waiting at the bottom of the stairway. It was already different than what I remembered. The last time I was here there was no bus. Just a long walk down the runway to the very small airport in Congo’s Capital, Brazzaville.
There were also many more Mondeles (Congolese word for a white man) on our flight than any flight I had ever been on to Congo. I found out later that they were all headed to Pointe Noire in Congo’s southern coastland. Most there are involved with the oil rigs off of Africa’s rich coast.
As we were herded through the customs counters, baggage claim and through our last security checkpoints I could feel the anticipation rising in me to see my friend and fellow worker Edouard Ngoteni. Edouard is one of the best men I have ever had the privilege to be around. Yes he has integrity, yes he is a joy to be around, but the things that sets Edouard apart from others is his true hunger for the Gospel. I have seldom met a man so ready to take what the Bible says and put it into practice. When we first met he was a school teacher, a believer but not even considering going into ministry. His pastor and brother, Pierre introduced us out of necessity. I didn't speak French or Lingala and Pierre didn't speak English. Edouard spoke English fluently so he traveled with me on my first scouting trip into the interior of Congo. As I preached, he interpreted. As I prayed for the sick and they were healed, he watched in amazement. It didn't take long at all before Edouard caught the fire and we were ministering together. When he saw the Gospel at work there was no stopping him and he became a true disciple, eating up everything I could give him. After my family and I left the Congo he continued to preach the Gospel with signs and wonders following. Today he has a thriving church and more hunger than ever.
We were returning again to the Congo at the request of Edouard; to help him to equip his church for ministry. He had heard from me the stories of what was happening with us in the United States and wanted his church to be equipped to heal the sick, preach the Gospel and reach the lost as a part of daily life. The stories of normal people having incredible miracles happening daily excited him and energized his faith to believe that it could happen in Congo.
Beginning the day after we arrived Nathan Martin and I began equipping Edouard's leaders. Prophesying over them and speaking out their giftings and callings. Immediately after a short session with his leaders, one brother in the Lord went out and began to pray for and prophecy over people in the streets; winning three to the Lord.
The Sunday morning service was awesome. I preached about the Kingdom of God and our responsibility to share it with the lost. At the end of the service Nathan and I prayed for the leaders and they began to help us pray for the sick. Everyone we prayed for was healed except one lady who received her touch from God later on. There were scores of miracles. At one point Nathan and I looked over at each other and asked if the other was seeing the same results; Yep, constant instant healings.
The people were fired up and so were we. We made sure to tell them that everyday this week we would be teaching and equipping them to do what Jesus did. Excitement filled their hearts. Before the week would be over these same people would be participants in a rollercoaster of events that would bring revival and produce riots. But the questions were always "how do we equip these people for the real Gospel?", would they remain strong?
What would you do if the Devil hit you where it hurt the most? Would you give up or become more bold?
to be continued....
Click here for Congo: Heaven and Hell Collide part III
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