As many of you already know, we just got back from a trip into the Congo. A team consisting of myself, Ryan Lawson, Danny Meece and Nathan Martin made the long journey to help raise up people in the Congo that would bring the kingdom of Heaven to their cities and villages. Even though I had lived there before, nothing prepared me for what we were going to experience on this trip. There was revival breaking out in the streets and yet there were times where we were literally running for our lives.
Indulge me a bit as I lay out why we were there in the first place. This is a story definitely worth telling.
As the doors to the plane open up you could feel the heat and humidity flood into the Boeing jet. It reminded me of a bathroom after a steaming hot shower. The Congo’s humidity is penetrating and unmistakable. But alas, I was finally back in Africa.
AS we had begun our decent into the Republic of Congo on this Friday night, memories flooded my mind of the first trip I made to this country over five years ago. I was alone, didn’t know the country or the language and had no clue what was about to happen. It was a huge step of faith and trust that turned out to be premature but like many of our mistakes God turned it around for good. I ended up bringing my entire family here to live. We sold everything and moved to the Congo. Many people heard the Gospel for the first time, multitudes were healed, saved and delivered, and a disciple and friend was made, and that is why I am here again now.
God told me over five years ago that this was an area of the world that I was called to. While seeking God in a prayer room in the church where we were employed, I saw a map of Africa. It was as real as I see the room that I am now sitting in. The map was huge. An enormous finger came from heaven and drew a line, a red line around many of central Africa’s countries. I then saw another vision of a jungle path and an older me (with very little hair) walking with a small pygmy child. After that followed many more visions of Central Africa and a burning heart to go. When my family and I arrived I was determined to see the visions fulfilled. Despite some mistakes, we saw God do some incredible miracles and many of them with people that had never before heard the name of Jesus.
This trip would be different. This time I am not moving my family half way across the world; I am just here with friends and co workers in the Gospel. Even though our expectations for God to do an awesome work again, like He did in the past, were soaring, I honestly was not prepared for what was about to take place.
Before our mission here would be over, I would see a friend pay a price that was high and dear and one that I hope I will never have to pay. First hand we would see death, riots, pain, joy and revival just minutes apart from each other. This is the front lines of ministry and the reality of preaching the Gospel.
to be continued...
Click here for Congo: Heaven and Hell Collide part II
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