Monday morning came with much anticipation. This was the day the rest of our team would arrive. Already so much had been done, but the realization hit us that "we were just beginning." Nathan and I had decided to take it easy and relax at the Hotel but our hunger got the best of us. Nathan, Edouard and I went to seek out something to eat. Snak Nura was our target and after scarfing down some Lebanese chicken we went for a walk around Brazzaville (the capital city).
It was an extremely hot day and the sun was fiercely beating down on my balding head. I had to use my backpack as a shield. While we were out on one of the main streets in the city, we came across two men selling some custom paintings on the side walk. The paintings were rough but very nicely done. While we were discussing prices we began to get words of knowledge for both of the men. Their eyes revealed their astonishment and their hope as we began to share with them what the Lord was showing us.
As people were passing by, a few curious travelers stopped to listen, wondering what these two Mondeles (us) had to say. One passer-by in particular, watched us from across the road. He stood there trying his best to hear what was being said. When I noticed him the Lord gave me a word of knowledge for him. I knew that he was having recurring abdominal pains and I asked if we could pray for him. His shock at my knowing his problem was only surpassed by his desire to have us pray that it would leave. I shared briefly that "Jesus is King, and his Kingdom is on the Earth." He was instantly healed. When a man is healed, it is easy for the next step to follow; for him to get on His knees and give his life to Jesus. Edouard was now grinning ear to ear. He was quick to get there information to begin follow-up with them.
One thing that we have learned; it is one thing to tell a man how to win the lost, it is another to be able to show him.
Edouard has been preaching, saving souls and healing the sick for years but to see how we used words of knowledge and healing for Evangelism stirred something more inside of him.
The second part of our team (Ryan and Danny) arrived that Monday night. They were worn and tired after the long trip, but a good nights rest was all they needed. For the new comers the next morning was a bit like Nathan's first morning in the Congo, full of questions and comments about the obvious differences in culture. A routine had already been established; first to the Lebanese restaurant for our daily meal, and then off to Edouard's church to equip his people.
Upon our arrival Friday night we had made plans with Edouard that every afternoon we would be teaching his people and equipping them in ministry. This particular afternoon was Ryan's turn to preach. Many people were getting born again and filled with the Spirit. It was amazing how God was moving.
As time progressed God continued to move. The week was going very well and we even commented to each other that God was doing awesome things and we were getting plenty of rest, good food and down time. This was our kind of missions trip! Little did we know that the rest and sleep wouldn't last long; soon there would be a bump in the road that would throw us for a loop.
One particular story stood out during this time of rest and amazement. After eating an incredible lunch, Ryan wanted to see if we could find some authentic African dress to be able to take back to the States. The full garb there is light, comfortable, and perfect for the climate. We all agreed that having some "African" clothes would be cool. We started walking towards the shops. On the way we spotted a man crawling on his hands and knees. He was literally crawling down the side walk using a very worn out pair of sandals to help protect his calloused and bruised hands. When we reached him, we stopped him and immediately saw the terrible condition his hands and legs were in. We stopped him to tell him the Good News, "Jesus is King and His Kingdom is here."
True to form, he asked us for money, to which we politely refused. Instead we asked him if we could pray. His answer made faith raise in our hearts; "Please!" As we laid hands on his back you could feel that his spine was in an "S" shape. "In the name of Jesus..." His back popped right into place and within seconds he was able to sit straight up. He couldn't do that before!
Immediately we rebuked polio, the reason for his condition. This man looked to be in his mid thirties. After praying we tried to pull him to his feet. He was still unable to hold his weight and we were very aware at that moment how much this man really did weigh. For a man with shriveled legs, this guy was packing the pound-age away somewhere. As we put him back down I noticed that his upper body, mostly his arms, were very strong. We prayed again. This time when we tried to lift him, he weighed considerably less. As we looked down we noticed that his weight didn't change, he was actually holding more of his weight with his legs. Each time we prayed, strength would ever so slightly increase in his legs. Although he didn't jump up and run, by the time we left him he had much more strength to hold his own weight. That was definitely an improvement. A small crowd had formed while we were praying and soon those people too were getting born again. One was an orphan who had just recently been kicked out of his home.
Sure, we were disappointed that the crippled man didn't run that day, as anyone would be. But the important thing was to make sure that we thanked God and focused on the miracles that did happen. Later, we would seek God as to why some miracles didn't happen. His back straightened up under our hands and he had more strength than before. Also a hand full of people heard and responded to the Gospel at that same time. To ignore this would be tragic.
Beginning Tuesday night, our team ministered at Edouard's church every evening. The power of God was incredibly tangible as the sick were healed, people were filled with the Spirit, and devils were cast out. One night an incredible prophetic anointing hit the meeting. As we prophesied, people would weep as the Lord revealed their hearts. Destiny and longings of the hearts of many that, until that moment, were kept secret were revealed by the Holy Spirit publicly. The people were very encouraged. Needless to say, it was fun!
On most nights, by lantern light, you could find us equipping believers to preach the Gospel. We were getting plenty of rest in the mornings and ministering in the afternoon and evenings. Then came the bump in the road.
Thursday night as we left the meeting we said goodbye to Edouard and his wife and his three month old son John Wesley and we headed back to the Hotel on the other side of the city. That night I got a call from Edouard saying that they were rushing John Wesley to the Physician. John suddenly began breathing heavy. We told Edouard that we would pray.
A few hours later Edouard arrived at the Hotel with the baby and his mother. It was late at night and they all looked tired. Mama looked confused and didn't know what to do. We each held John Wesley and began to pray over him. His breathing appeared to get better and nothing seemed to warrant any panic. All four of us are fathers and we had all seen our children with similar symptoms. His breathing was a little laborous, but nothing really serious. We all continued to pray until we all had peace and after a few hours Edouard and is family went home.
The next morning, Nathan and Danny were on there way to meet with Edouard's worship leaders to encourage them when they got the news that John Wesley had been rushed to the Hospital. Ryan and I soon heard the news and rerouted our taxi to meet them at the Hospital. What had happened? Last night when we saw him his breathing a little heavy but nothing serious, now he is in the hospital.
A few hours after John was admitted they took some x-rays and found that he had pneumonia. How could this have come so quick? Just last night before we left the meeting we were playing with him and telling him bye. He was happy and playful. This was too sudden. This was not normal for a healthy, happy baby.
We took turns going into the room and praying for him. John's little body wrapped in a blanket, lying on a very old hospital bed was not what we wanted to see that day. We prayed in ernest. Before long he seemed to be improving. He began coughing up mucus and the infection that was in his lungs. We were concerned but it seemed that things were going to be just fine. We had an equipping meeting planned at Edouard's church that afternoon and it was starting to get late. Not wanting to persuade Edouard in any decision, I asked him what he wanted us to do. We only had a little time before dark and I thought his answer would be to wait till the following day. Edouard's response is a statement I will never forget. The words still ring in my ears, "Even if I only have thirty minutes in an afternoon, I use it to preach the Gospel. Maybe in that thirty minutes I can reach one soul, and that one soul is worth it." How do you argue with that? So we headed to his church to take out his teams.
We met with about twenty or so of his church members, encouraging them and preparing them to preach the Gospel to their community. We broke into groups and then headed for the main road and market near the church. As we made our way through the busy streets on foot, it was obvious that we did not need to go far to find the lost. We didn't get but a few steps when a lady standing behind an old table got my attention. I asked if I could pray for her. An interpreter stayed with me and so did a few of the church members. The rest of the team kept walking.
There were three teams, each with an interpreter and each with a group from the church. I (David) led a team, that didn't make it very far into the market. Ryan had a team, and Nathan and Danny also lead up a team. Once we began praying we did not move from that spot for well over an hour. The power of God was tangible and people were getting healed as we proclaimed the Gospel of the Kingdom. Many from the side streets and markets began to press their way in through the crowds and ask for healing. It was amazing but not unlike what we have seen here in the United States at events like highschool football games.
Many came in with sicknesses, but everyone left without their infirmity. Immediately I began to have Edouard's church members praying for the sick. It was encouraging to see their zeal and to see that they had truly grasped the teachings on Matthew 10:7-8. Their faces lit up with joy as they saw many getting healed through their prayers. Literally, hundreds of people gathered around to hear the gospel and see the miracles that were taking place. People would come up limping and leave walking with no sign of a past ailment. Malaria and it's fevers left under our hands. Demons were cast out and many people were born again. It sounded and looked like a story from the book of Acts.
This is what we came for and we were seeing revival in the streets!
Soon it was dark and our interpreters cautioned us that it was time to go, so we rounded up our teams and headed back to the church. When we got back Edouard was there fervently praying for his son and he was covered in sweat. Stripped down to only his undershirt and slacks, he began to tell us that while he was there praying he was interrupted many times by calls telling him of all the incredible miracles happening in the streets not a quarter of a mile away. He was overjoyed as we told him story after story of what had just happened.
After praising the Lord for all that he had just done we decided to head back to the hotel. We were so happy we thought nothing could bring us down. We were wrong!
As we cornered the church and were walking up the dirt path a roar began to come down in our direction. We all pulled out our flashlights only to see Edouard's wife throwing herself on the ground screaming "JOHN!!!"
Immediately the children that were there threw themselves on the ground as if on cue. With shrieks and crying, they began throwing dust over their bodies.
In the middle of the confusion and utter chaos I yelled for the team, "Let's go!" as we all rushed up the hill. "We are going to the hospital." The guys asked "What's going on?" Edouard answered "John is Dead!"
to be continued...
Click here for Congo: Heaven and Hell Collide part IV