Wednesday, August 17, 2005

2 "Homeless Man Born Again and Blasted by the Power of God"

Tuesday night I headed down into downtown Atlanta to an area called CabbageTown with Nathan and Erin. Nathan is a full time graphic designer and an awesome worship leader and erin is a 17 year old that attends our church in Woodstock. Both are on fire for God. Both of them have been really moving in the prophetic. Erin also moves a lot in healing.
You will be hearing a lot about CabbageTown so keep it in your memory. We have a church that we started there in Jeannie's home. She was healed of Hepititis C, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, and a liver that was totally shot. She needed a transplant but Jesus gave her one in less than 12 hours without even cutting her open. The next day after praying for her she was released from the Hospital with a clean bill of health. The doctors were astonished and still to this day can't figure out what happened.
Since then Jeanie has opened her home to us and we have a church there now. And this was a lady who on her death bed refused to give her life to Jesus. (we will get to her story another time)
Tuesday night Jeff came to visit. Jeff is a homeless man that Jeannie and her husband Phil have taken numerous times to detox and alcohol treatments. Phil told me he was going to be there and that Jeff was a little loopy. No big deal we are used to that.
When we got there we began to worship Jesus and the Lord gave me a few visions.
I shared them with Jeff and he began to cry. Next thing we knew he was on his knees getting born again. The words of knowledge from the vision were pretty detailed and there was no doubt is was God.
It didn't stop there, the words kept flowing and soon Jeanie's mom Shirley was crying and getting set free from all kinds of past junk.
Also a paralytic began to have feeling in his legs. He hasn't felt anything is those legs for over 10 years.

Over all: 1 added to the church, 2 delivered, and one on his way to full healing.
And that was just in a few hours

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