Wednesday, August 17, 2005

1 "Kingdom Come, Your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven"

Prayed that a million times haven't you?
But how many times after you have prayed do you expect it to happen?
We often pray this as Jesus told us to, but more times than not it becomes vain repetition.
We never really expect Heaven to come and touch Earth. For Earth to be made into the image of Heaven. That would be insane... but that is exactly what Jesus told us to pray.
"that was just something to strive after it really wasn't something he thought we could obtain."
What a cop out! Jesus never would tell us to pray for something that we couldn't actually have. That would be just teasing us with the proverbial carrot on a string.
Why did he ask us to pray like this? Because it is His will to bring the Kingdom of Heaven on the Earth. Where God rules and reigns over every creature.

What part do you play in this? What is your role?
I will tell you this, it is not the role of a side-line Christian.
It is time to get in the game.

On this site we will post testimonies of the Kingdom of Heaven that is beginning to take over in the Atlanta area.
People are getting born-again, healed, delivered and discipled and released to reproduce this same Kingdom in others. Kids are seeing visions and getting incredible words of knowledge.

Get out of the way Devil your gates won't withstand the army that is marching through!
We are coming to take over and taking no prisoners!

WARNING: Some stories may offend

1 comment:

Tyrone Ferrara said...

What you said is happening in Atlanta is also happening in New York.