Sunday, August 28, 2005

5 "Kingdom Needed"

Every so often it seems that Jesus has to reintroduce a truth back into the church. Truth really never leaves, it is only temporarily forgotten. Truth seems to follow a pattern: it is forgotten, it is reintroduced, it is then NOT accepted at first and is persecuted and fought against. Then finally after a some time has passed, it is made a part of main stream doctrine AGAIN. This is once again happening with the Gospel of the Kingdom.
A few years back a hand full of preachers began to preach "Kingdom Theology" but were marked as weird fanatics and the teachings rejected. It is now becoming known AGAIN that this doctrine is what was originally taught by Jesus. It was the basis of everything He taught. In fact it was all that He taught.
My wife and I just finished watching a movie entitled "Luther." The movie is the true story portraying the life of Martin Luther and the Reformation of the Church. It is an incredible story. To see what the Catholic Church did in regard to salvation and depriving its people of reading the Word was appalling. One line of the movie shocked me, "Martin, have you ever read the New Testament?" "No Sir I have not." "Few have, but I am sending you to hear the words of Christ Himself so you may understand the true love of the Lord." Keep in mind, Luther was already a priest at this point!
In Martin Luther's time not many priests, let alone lay-people, had ever heard or read the New Testament. They simply relied on their priests and church leaders to interpret scriptures and give them the truths needed for Salvation. This lead to huge abuses in the church. People were made to pay for salvation with money. Ideas of a place called purgatory sprang up that had no biblical basis and the people had no means of finding out the truth of the Gospel for themselves. That is until Martin Luther wrote the truth in his teachings and more importantly, the first translation of the Bible into German so the German people could read it for themselves.
Because of this, the people were able to see a God of Love instead of the mean and angry God, full of wrath whose favor had to be bought. They began to understand salvation by grace and not by works. The Gospel was understood again, at least to some degree.
The Lord seems to be sending us another wave of this type of reformation. This time it is a reformation of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. For many years we have preached a Gospel of salvation from your sins by Faith and unfortunately we have stopped there. Salvation is just the beginning. It is not the end-all. When Jesus walked the Earth he preached "Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."
Kingdom of Heaven? What is this Kingdom of Heaven? Is it what most people seem to rely on today; a message that Jesus can save you from your sins so that when you die you might go to heaven? Is it a just future hope of salvation and not a present experience of it?
The Kingdom of God is simply the true rule and reign of Jesus on this earth. Unfortunately the idea of His Kingship has been misunderstood. The Apostles understood it and lived a life in pursuit of it. Their attitude was "what does Heaven look like? Well then that is what earth should look like, right here and right now." They proceeded to bring Heaven to earth. They healed the sick, raised the dead, cleansed lepers, cast out devils, and lived a supernatural life passing that life on to others. They believed so much that God had given them the authority to bring Heaven to earth, that they even controlled the weather.
1 John 3:8 says "The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil."
The first work of the devil was to separate man from a loving and righteous God. Because of this separation in the Garden of Eden, came sickness, disease, depression, death, etc. Jesus came to bring us back into fellowship with God so that what once ruled over us, could rule again; namely the Kingdom of Heaven.
How can this be true, we can argue, when our experiences don't add up to such a claim? That there is still death and disease on this earth. Yes, experience does tell us that these evils are true, but we should NEVER let experience dictate what is the Truth. Only the Word of God should have that much authority in our lives. Let Jesus, by His words, dictate what Truth is and then it will become a reality. Healing, deliverance, salvation from sin, prosperity, miracles, prophecy, and all types of true supernatural encounters with Jesus and His Kingdom (Heaven) are available for us here and now.
Jesus told us to pray "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven." If you ask me, that is a pretty bold statement to make; that the earth can be like Heaven. But that is what He told us to pray for. He would never tell us to pray for something that is impossible to receive. When we see His Kingdom in our lives, it changes the way we think (repentance).
I ask you to please begin to change the way you think. Allow the Word of God to dictate truth in your life, despite what your experiences scream in your ear. If you do, miracles will follow your everyday life. You will no longer be subject to the death and destruction that creeps around us. You will be able to grab hold of the victory that Jesus has already provided for you. The stories on this site give testimony to these things. They are all true stories of the Kingdom of Heaven coming to our little part of the earth in Woodstock Georgia.
Jesus is KING!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

4 "RedNecks and Racers"

Friday afternoon after I got off of work I headed into to Woodstock to reach more souls for Jesus. These last few days we have had two guys from California who flew out just to go out with us on the streets and in the neighborhoods. Today we are going to hit a brand new neighborhood that looks pretty rough. There are some areas that we do not go into without seasoned people. This is not to say that a new guy couldn't handle it, but new people usually don't understand the degree to which you have to watch each others back. In the past we have had bats pulled on us as well as brass knuckles, keys and a knife or two. Dogs are also a weapon of choice, especially for one home of Muslims that we visited. (I will tell more of those stories at a different time)

Ryan, a friend and pastor, said he found this area and wanted us to go together because it looked so rough. Since we had two of us that were used to this type of ministry we also asked the guys from California to come with us. We just made sure we watched their backs really well.
We found to old guys sitting in lawn chairs drinking beers like a couple of rednecks and a young guy of about 17 hanging out with them. (this neighborhood would have made Jeff Foxworthy proud)

"Hello guys! we are here to tell you something... Jesus is King!"
"Yes he is!"
"So you know Jesus is King huh?!"
"Sure do."
This is not unusual to hear in the bible belt of Georgia. Some of our biggest persecuters are religious Devils who have no fruit, no relationship, and no power. But... 1 Cor. 4:20 says that the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of POWER! By their statements we do not automatically assume that they are true believers.

We went on to tell them that the kingdom of Heaven is on the Earth and asked if they knew anyone that was sick or needed a touch from Heaven. Before they could give us an asnwer one of the guys with us named Joel got a word of knowledge about one man's left shoulder. He asked if the man, who's name is Danny, had pain there. He did and was totally amazed that we knew this. Joel prayed for him and the pain immediately left.

Rod also had a word of knowledge about the other man's knee and an injury in and accident. Both were totally amazed and after we spoke healing to Jim's knee he started doing deep knee bends and was totally healed. He said before when he bent down it sounded like milk being poured over rice crispies but now all the stiffness and popping was gone.

Praise God!

These two men were touched by God and we will come visit them on another day.


For over a year a group of us that are dedicated to preaching the Gospel have been going out to Barrett Prkwy in Kennesaw Ga. There are sometimes as many as 200 young people, mostly teenagers, with their suped-up-cars hanging out in parking lots. Some just socializing, some listening to music, others picking fights and some doing things that you probably don't want to hear about on this website. For over a year they have been hearing the unwavering Gospel from us because we have the gutts to tell them.

This is just one of the many stories that we have and this one was from this past Friday night...

For almost a month now the Cops have been running off the kids so that we can hardly find them. This particular week the police were slacking and let the kids stay. "thank you Jesus"
We arrived with a pretty big group and sat back to see who was there in the parking lot. Most were kids we didn't recognize which is highly unusual. We found a big guy who looked like he ws the leader of the group he was with and we made a b-line for him. Ryan got a vision and we waited until he felt like he had the interpretation. Ryan spoke first and started off "we are here to tell you that Jesus is King, and that his kingdom is on the earth. You need to change the way you think."
A young girl piped up and said that she was agnostic and didn't appreciate us talking about God around her. we told her politely but very bluntly that we were not talking to her and redirected our talk back to the big guy. Ryan went on to share with him the vision explaining that this guy was at a huge cross road and that if he made a bad choice it meant jail time for him. The guy was amazed and told us that he was in a program and that if he made one bad decision he would go to jail. I got a word of knowledge and went on to tell him that this had happened to him four times already and that this one was no joke. That he already had an uncle who had made some of the same decisions and had lost his mind because of them. I went on to tell him that we was a really good worker and that because of fear he has cut himself short of what his real potential was. There were some other details that we shared that I can't remember at this point. We found out his name was Nick. Nick's exact response was "Damn, you guys are good. How did you know all this stuff?"
We told him that Jesus speaks to us and that he was tryin got get his attention. Nick ended up getting born again on the spot... Glory A Dios!

This is a typical story of what has been happening on a regular basis. In that same parking lot we have seem people healed and some major deliverances in front of many kids. We have also been spat on, shoved, hit, and loved. But nothing is more awesome than seeing a soul come to Jesus. It has been awesome.

I will write more stories later and keep you updated.

Ta for now!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

3 "Words of Knowledge and Mad Managers"

Tonight, Thursday, I met a few folks at the church to pray and then we went out into the nieghborhoods in Woodstock to start some more churches. (you might call them cell churches, we just call them churches. I take a few people with me into neighborhoods to get people healed saved and delivered right in their homes and we start a church there.)
Our group which consisted of me (David), Erin, Amanda, Aaron, Rebecca, and a guy that just flew in from California named Rod, went into a neighborhood that is less than a mile an a half from our church. It is an apartment complex with a lot of low income people. Lately we have been talking to two families that have really opened the doors to us. One is a 22 and 23 year old couple who have a little girl that is about 4. there names are Alex and Missy and the other is a lady from Jamaica and her two young daughters, her name is Andrea.

Every time we have seen Alex and Missy they are high as kites. Cheifing away. enjoying some Herb. For you that don't know, they are always smoking pot. We go and preach the kingdom of Heaven and so far everytime we have gotten detailed words of knowledge for them that has freaked them out. We go to this particular area every other week. 2 weeks ago I saw a vision of missy grabbing a medicine bottle, throwing it down and saying "I don't know why I take this sh*t, the F*&%ing stuff never works." When I told her what I saw she freaked and said that it happened word for word that morning.

This week when we arrived we found that Missy and Alex had moved. Bummer but we think we can find them again... So we went to Andrea's house. Half of our team went to the other side of the complex and we prayed for Andrea. Jesus just poured out the words of Knowledge. He gaves me specifics about her brother likt he way he dresses and exactly what kind of problems he has been having. We found out that she is planning on moving to NY and the Lord gave me a word about a job there waiting on her and it was right on. He told me she was really good in science and she wanted to go into nursing. It got pretty wild and in a few minutes it was as if we were telling her everything about herself.

While we were ministering to Andrea the other team was being confronted by an irrate manager demanding that we all leave. We know Andrea pretty well now after a few weeks so they can't make us leave but the other team sat in the car. Andrea was getting blasted by the power of God and were not about to leave with this happening. When we did finally leave Andrea invited us back and told us that there is no way that they can ask us to leave if we are in her house.

Over all it was a pretty awesome night. Trnaces and visions about window boxes, keys, and authority in heaven.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

2 "Homeless Man Born Again and Blasted by the Power of God"

Tuesday night I headed down into downtown Atlanta to an area called CabbageTown with Nathan and Erin. Nathan is a full time graphic designer and an awesome worship leader and erin is a 17 year old that attends our church in Woodstock. Both are on fire for God. Both of them have been really moving in the prophetic. Erin also moves a lot in healing.
You will be hearing a lot about CabbageTown so keep it in your memory. We have a church that we started there in Jeannie's home. She was healed of Hepititis C, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, and a liver that was totally shot. She needed a transplant but Jesus gave her one in less than 12 hours without even cutting her open. The next day after praying for her she was released from the Hospital with a clean bill of health. The doctors were astonished and still to this day can't figure out what happened.
Since then Jeanie has opened her home to us and we have a church there now. And this was a lady who on her death bed refused to give her life to Jesus. (we will get to her story another time)
Tuesday night Jeff came to visit. Jeff is a homeless man that Jeannie and her husband Phil have taken numerous times to detox and alcohol treatments. Phil told me he was going to be there and that Jeff was a little loopy. No big deal we are used to that.
When we got there we began to worship Jesus and the Lord gave me a few visions.
I shared them with Jeff and he began to cry. Next thing we knew he was on his knees getting born again. The words of knowledge from the vision were pretty detailed and there was no doubt is was God.
It didn't stop there, the words kept flowing and soon Jeanie's mom Shirley was crying and getting set free from all kinds of past junk.
Also a paralytic began to have feeling in his legs. He hasn't felt anything is those legs for over 10 years.

Over all: 1 added to the church, 2 delivered, and one on his way to full healing.
And that was just in a few hours

1 "Kingdom Come, Your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven"

Prayed that a million times haven't you?
But how many times after you have prayed do you expect it to happen?
We often pray this as Jesus told us to, but more times than not it becomes vain repetition.
We never really expect Heaven to come and touch Earth. For Earth to be made into the image of Heaven. That would be insane... but that is exactly what Jesus told us to pray.
"that was just something to strive after it really wasn't something he thought we could obtain."
What a cop out! Jesus never would tell us to pray for something that we couldn't actually have. That would be just teasing us with the proverbial carrot on a string.
Why did he ask us to pray like this? Because it is His will to bring the Kingdom of Heaven on the Earth. Where God rules and reigns over every creature.

What part do you play in this? What is your role?
I will tell you this, it is not the role of a side-line Christian.
It is time to get in the game.

On this site we will post testimonies of the Kingdom of Heaven that is beginning to take over in the Atlanta area.
People are getting born-again, healed, delivered and discipled and released to reproduce this same Kingdom in others. Kids are seeing visions and getting incredible words of knowledge.

Get out of the way Devil your gates won't withstand the army that is marching through!
We are coming to take over and taking no prisoners!

WARNING: Some stories may offend