Sunday, July 22, 2007

Mission in the Congo: Updates on Edouard and Upcoming Trips

Superman wears Edouard NGoteni Pajamas

As many of you know from reading previous posts that our friend Edouard has been under tremendous persecution in The Republic of Congo. He has wholly given his life to preaching the Gospel and he has paid a tremendous price for it. Since the team left in March 2007, he has lost his wife back to her family who is deeply engrossed in witchcraft, been imprisoned and had multiple attempts on his life. I think it is necessary to tell more of his current story.

The day that we left Congo was also the same day that we buried John Wesley. It was a defeat that greatly affects us to this day. Personally it has driven me back to our original objective to see the Kingdom of Heaven established in this war torn area of the world. Edouard's persistence has truly paid off. Everyday someone has been added to the church in Congo. Everyday there is a healing or a miracle that just adds more fuel to the fire. Edouard's church leaders really heard what we were there to teach; that everyone is called to preach the Gospel and are we are to take this message of the Kingdom into everyday life. One of his leaders in particular has taken his calling seriously and is now considered a prophet among his peers. His name is Emme (not sure of the spelling). He is the worship leader in the church and is also one of Edouard's closest friends. They are not friends because they grew up together or even because they like the same kinds of movies. They don't have that luxury. They are the closest of friends because they preach the Gospel together and Emme has stood by his pastor and friend even when it could have cost him his own life.

Right after we left, Edouard's wife became bitter that John Wesley did not get raised from the dead and she focused all of that bitterness and anger on her husband. She was sequestered by her family and they rallied to have Edouard thrown in prison. They accused him of sacrificing his first born son to the devil and then selling his body parts to the white men. A ridiculous accusation that led to Edouard's arrest and imprisonment. Edouard was locked in a cell and chained hand and foot. Because of the favor of the Lord on Edouard's life, he was brought before the highest judge in all of Congo and was able to tell his story in it's entirety. He told him of his belief that Jesus raises the dead and that he prayed for his son to be raised from the dead. He then told the judge that the fact that even though his son did not get up, it does not change what the Bible says. Edouard testified that everyday people were getting healed and delivered and that Jesus was working miracles through them. The judges response was classic: "You believe that your God raises the dead? What kind of God is this?" Edouard then told him that even if the judge were to die that day he believes that God would raise him from the dead and that he would gladly pray for anyone who died and God would be faithful despite what happened to his own son. When the judge saw his unshakeable faith he exclaimed "You are a man of God. These charges are false! You can go now!"

When Edouard's wife saw that he was released, she was furious. Her father is the equivalent of a Senator and had used his political power to effect those charges against Edouard. They then hired a witchdoctor to kill Edouard. Those who have always lived in the sheltered environment of America, sometimes find it hard to believe that witchdoctors have any power. But let me assure you that this is nothing to scoff at. These guys are the real deal and mean business. After multiple attempts to kill Edouard the witchdoctors concluded that the power that Edouard has was superior to their own. This took things to a totally different level. Edouard's wife then rallied her family together to hire four assassins to kill Edouard physically. These four men did not understand the power of Jesus when they took the job.

The first attempt happened on a week day when they were sure Edouard would be at his newly rented church property. He was not there. The second time they tried to poison his food and the Lord told him not to eat it. The third attempt led to the assassins loosing one of their own to the enemy. The enemy here being the Lord Jesus. The assassins had assembled together and had decided to send one of their own as a scout to find Edouard and report back to the others after Edouard was found so they could all go and kill him. The scout found Edouard but after a few short minutes Edouard had led him to the Lord. The assassin is now a born again, spirit filled believer and is winning people to the Lord and healing the sick right along side Edouard.

When Edouard's wife heard that the assassin was born again she became very afraid because he was spreading the news to everyone that she had hired him to kill Edouard. She then hired four men from the local police precinct to gang up on the ex-assassin and kill him. She did not want him spreading her story around. The police, wearing only street clothes, found him and tried to over power him. What they did not know is that this man is the Congo wrestling champion and easily overpowered them and left them bleeding in the street. During the fight a general in the Congo army happened to walk by and see the ruckus. He pulled the man aside and asked him what was happening. He told him the whole story. The General responded "I do not know this pastor you are talking about but this woman will not get away with this." A search was started for Edouard's wife and forced her to withdraw the attempts on Edouard's life. The story doesn't end there, things get even wilder.

One afternoon the former assassin had a visit from an old friend, a witchdoctor that he had known for several years. The witchdoctor told him a story of a lady who had come to see him. She paid him to kill the former assassin. He ended with this: "I am not going to kill you. Here is half the money she gave me, go and buy yourself some juice." Edouard told me that that afternoon the former assassin came smiling into his house with a wad of cash in his hands telling the story of what had happened with the witchdoctor. JESUS IS KING!!!!!

Since then another witchdoctor has approached Edouard with pictures and personal items that Edouard's wife had given him as a point of contact to kill him. The witchdoctor said to Edouard "I can protect you if you are willing to pay me." "I don't need your protection. I have much better protection than you can give. I have God. Take your witchcraft and go." was his reply.
The truth of it is, Edouard is nothing short of a spiritual stud. He has never backed down and even facing the worst possible circumstances he has not wavered in his faith and love for his Lord Jesus.

The Return

The church in Congo is growing despite the continued persecution, or maybe I should say is growing because of the continued persecution. Church history has shown us that persecution has always helped to grow the church in strength and in number. That is exactly what is happening in Congo. Though they are growing they still need our help. The American church is known for its great teaching, its revelation of the Word. Though we have recently seen an increase in the number of those here who are stepping out in their authority to bring the Kingdom, in general most of the church doesn't act on the revelation that they have. The people of the Congo are not only hungry for that revelation, they are hungry to walk in the power of it. The Friday night that John died was proof of that. After teaching them about their authority to preach and heal the sick, many stepped out and did exactly what we told them that they could do. The result was hundreds experiencing Jesus in the streets. The following Sunday was again proof. After a short prophetic teaching and activation time, many of the congregation stepped out and upon receiving very accurate words of knowledge and prophesy for people in the streets, lead many to the Lord.

This is something that we have a responsibility to foster. I have been in regular communication with Edouard and his comments are always the same, "Please pray for us, and please come and help us to preach the Gospel more effectively." For years, with some of your help we have sent books, tapes, and made trips to this part of Central Africa. The books have been helpful. The tapes have been encouraging, but the one thing that has produced the most fruit is showing them first hand that with God all things are possible. This has been evident here as well. We have written stories, shared revelation but the one thing that has truly encouraged others to do what they are designed to do is taking them out and showing them that if you will obey the Lord, he will back you up with healings, miracles, signs and wonders.

This principal is the reason that Edouard is in ministry today and producing the fruit that he is. In 2002 my family and I moved to Congo as missionaries. It was during that time that Edouard and I traveled together preaching the Gospel. Edouard at that time was just my interpreter. He had been born into a Christian family but was frustrated at the church's present condition. Because of the miracles and power that he saw as my interpreter, he completely surrendered himself to the Lord, moving in the power of God and is now discipling others to do the same. I knew when Faith and I left Congo with our kids in 2003 that we would one day return to help finish what we started. It is no longer just our vision. God has since spoken to others in leadership in our home church. The Lord made it quite clear that it was not just my family that was called to Congo but our church body as well. Because of the events of our more recent trip and the fruit that Edouard is obviously producing, we are now supporting Edouard financially and by organizing trips to serve what he is doing in the Congo.

We are in the process of organizing another trip that should take place at the end of August or perhaps September. Because of the increased persecution I will not be taking a team with me. This will be a solo mission. My heart has never changed for the Congo and the timing is right.
Most trips cost between $3000 and $5000 dollars depending on season and how much time is spent traveling in the bush. After trip expenses there are also bills that need to be paid at home. All of this can add up quickly, and there are more trips we are planning in the near future. We thank God for the opportunity to go and serve what He is doing in Congo.

If you would like to sow into the work in Congo you can through our home church. All donations given through our home church are tax deductible and they will immediately issue you a tax receipt. You can give in either of two ways:

Online - With a credit/debit card here:
just be sure to write "David Congo trips" in the notes line

By Check - Made payable to:
Northgate Church of Atlanta
ATTN: David Congo Trip
PO BOX 2190 Woodstock, GA 30188

The Vision

Our vision now is to spend as much time serving Edouard as possible. This means starting with short term trips until longer trips can be planned. Two to three weeks is actually considered a short trip in Congo. Especially if you are leaving Brazzaville and going into the bush. Africa is a totally different animal. It takes twice as long to do anything, sometimes longer. I am speaking of natural things like buying tickets and getting your baggage straightened out (flights do not come in and out of the country everyday. If your baggage did not arrive with you, you could be without it for quite a while). These are a hungry people and they are good soil.

When we lived in Congo, Edouard was my disciple. He followed me and learned from me. He served me, taught me, and was a good friend. Now things have changed. Edouard has a heart that seeking God above all other things. At first I was the leader, now I truly want to return as the servant. I want to help him fulfill what God has called him to do and that is to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to Congo.

Long term goals that God has given Edouard for his church:

1. A place to call their own. Right now they are having to rent the space to hold their church services and because of the persecution they have been forced to moved from one place to another, uncertain of how long they will be able to be in one place. Land in Congo is expensive (around $40,000 for property and a shelter) but it is the only way to ensure that they will have a safe place to meet and teach those they are bringing to Christ. They also want to equip the facilities to bring in other pastors from surrounding villages who want to be trained. They can then be sent back to their villages full of the power of God. One brother named Christopher came while we were in Congo in March and is already starting house churches in Pointe-Noire.

2. Church planting in other villages. There is a village that is very pivotal for all the river travel in Congo. It is a village called Mosaka. It is situated on the Congo River and there is a huge mixture of people from every tribe that meet here for the fish and bush meat trade. From this village all the villages up and down the river could be evangelized. This is also a village that we will possibly be visiting on my next trip.

3. The Pygmies. This has been a passion of mine even before our first arrival in Congo. It is the reason I originally went. There are thousands of people living deep in the forest who have never heard the name of Jesus. Most call them pygmies. Though these days the term pygmy is considered a derogatory term meaning small stature (their average height is 4' 8"), it is still the most common name used to represent the numerous tribes of forest people living in the jungles of Congo. They are looked down upon by their own neighbors as sub-human and are often treated as animals.
On our trips into the jungle, Edouard and I had amazing miracles happen among these little people as entire villages would get healed and born again. Both Edouard's and my heart aches to get back to these people. This is a recent news story that will shed some light on their situation.
pygmy group segregated- click here. This article tries to explain it away but the truth is they are almost always viewed as sub-human.

4. Transportation. Because only the super rich have a vehicle in Congo, getting from point A to B can be quite an ordeal. A good source of transportation is needed to make ministry trips possible. There are quite a few pastors asking Edouard to help them and right now it is not possible because of travel limitation.

Please pray for Edouard and his church and also please pray for me and my family as we continue to make trips into the Congo. The Lord has started a great work and He will continue to provide.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support.
David Dixon

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