Saturday, October 22, 2005

10 "Forget the football game, we want to hear you!"

Imagine if you would what it would be like to go to a local high school football game and God show up. Maybe you walk into the front gate expecting God to move. You wait and feel like you have a word of knowledge for some kid that you see standing at the fence watching the game. Let's say you get up enough guts to approach him as he begins to talk to his friends. The word that you give him is wrong but as he tells you this, Jesus gives you a download of very specific things about this guy's life. He is totally flabbergasted. His friends all heard what you said and knew how accurate it was. Before you know it people are pulling at you saying, "do me next". Just for the fun of it let's imagine that it gets totally out of control and in the process of praying for these kids 15 people get born again, 6 get healed, 8 get delivered, and many many have an encounter with the living God. Wouldn't that be awesome? IT WAS!

Yes it happened in Woodstock GA at a football game. Let me tell you, it was incredible. Jesus moved so strongly that mockers were getting healed and had to shut their mouths. Young people full of depression and anxiety were getting totally delivered and full of the joy of God. The harvest Fields were so ripe that the kids were begging us to pray for them and to tell them what God was saying about them. They started coming in waves. Each one of us in our group had about 20 kids surrounding us as we gave prophetic words and prayed for healing. We would preach the gospel of the Kingdom and then they would go get their friends, we would give them words of knowledge and prophecy then preach the Gospel to them as well. In this cycle the gospel was preached over and over again.

Until. . . Unfortunately there is an "until", the principle of the school came over and shut us down saying that if we preached the gospel again on his campus we would be removed. His reasoning was it was not the appropriate venue for it. I told him that Life was the right venue for it. We cordially backed away and shut our mouths after we stated our case and asked a few questions. But if you know any of us you know even that was with a strategy. We asked what we were doing wrong and what laws we were breaking and we got our answers. Don't believe for one second that we are going to back off a harvest field like that. We will just come back ready next time ready to face the music. "Officers do what you have to do, I am compelled to preach."

The kids were angry! Not at us but there leaders who were asking us to leave. You could hear shouts of "why are making them leave? They prayed for me and I am healed!" "They told me things that there is no way they could have known. Let them stay." The kids were definitely disappointed. At least 60 were showing their total frustration openly to the authorities around them. "Let them stay." As we walked out they asked for phone numbers and how to hear more of the Gospel. IT WAS AWESOME

Now that I told you about my Friday night, how was yours?

Joh 4:34-35 Jesus *said to them, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work. (35) "Do you not say, 'There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest. Pick up your sickle and get to work!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Scribes of History

A little over two weeks ago I had an experience that has really made and impact on me. I feel that I need to share it not just to be able to say look what happened to me but because I know that the Lord is speaking to us loud and clear that we need to be about the Kingdom's business. The Kingdom of Heaven has been "at hand" for a long time now, but we have only barely touched what is available.

Scribes of History
While I was worshipping Jesus I began to see a faint vision of a room that had started more and more to eclipse the room that I was in. Before too long I was in a room that was huge and book shelves lined the walls, all full of old leather bound ancient looking books. I also noticed four angels were in the room as well. Two of the angels were on opposite walls pulling books out of their shelves and reading excerpts and placing the books back where they got them. As they reached for a book they knew exactly what book they needed to find what ever it was they were looking for and they also knew exactly where to turn in the book. The angels were doing this constantly. The other two angels were seated at desks made of wood and covered in Gold. In their hands were quill pens and they wrote in these ancient looking books constantly. I approached on of the desks to read what was being written. These Angels were writing out History. They were writing down everything that has ever happened from the smallest little ants to the World powers in government, every movement and thought. Every change in the wind, everything was being recorded and that includes every tree and star as well. They were writing with incredible speed.

Words Released to the Earth
I also noticed that the Angels that were reading excerpts were releasing words of knowledge and wisdom into the Earth. As the children of God desired words of Knowledge or wisdom from History the Angel would read the excerpt that would release the knowledge needed for that occasion.
There was something peculiar about the way the two angels that were at the desks were writing. They skipped a lot of small spaces. It reminded me of "mad lips" from when I was a kid. "mad libs" were pre-written stories that had spaces left out and under each space there was a clue on what type of word need to be in that place. You got to pick what word went into that spot. If the clue was adjective you would put whatever adjective you like in that spot. In Mad libs this was done before ever reading the story. It was quite hilarious to read the story after all of your nouns and adjectives were put in their place and the stories became very silly.
These Angels weren't skipping places to come up with a silly story, they were actually writing out history before it was even happening. Remember there is no time in the Spirit. The places they were skipping were areas and events that had not yet been decided on their outcome. The spots were left open because there was an opportunity for the children of God to speak the kingdom of heaven into each and every moment in time. I looked back through the pages and though the angels never went back to fill anything in the spaces, they were filled automatically with the words need to describe which of the two kingdoms had effect on that situation. For instance when the space was blank about the day Mary was sick it could have read that she got healed by a son of God who prayed for her and spoke life and the kingdom into her or because there was no one to pray she was left to the kingdom of darkness and soon died. (that is just an example) Everything throughout the world was written in these books.

The Future
As I read I noticed two major things. The words didn't come to me as words only but as visions. I saw a part of Asia right on the India Pakistan border and I saw a battle taking place. The battle was with old weapons like swords and Shields. Then I heard the Lord say it will be very quick and very fierce many people will die in an instant. Four days later a major earthquake hit this exact spot where I saw this battle and many people died. Though I saw a battle I knew after this had happened that this is what I saw. It was already written in the book. I know it is easy to say that you saw something before it happened, especially after the fact, but I shared this with a few people the night I first saw it.
There was something else I saw. I saw a sickness hitting the aborigines that was associated with a high fever and it could potentially kill many in Australia. If you know me you would know that I am not a doom and gloom guy. Though I did see this I also saw that there was a space left in the book where heaven could invade or the kingdom of darkness. I pray that someone take action and speak life to that area of Australia. Someone who lives there who can minister the Gospel to these people. If in intercession we decree it and in life we live it, pray it and preach it, heaven will take over.

Our Part
What does all this mean? God is giving us the opportunity to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to the Earth. Many people across the globe will die and burn in Hell because there was no one there to stand for them to intercede for them. In my opinion intercession has taken some weird roads in the past. I am not talking about begging God to do something for these people, for your neighbor, for your dog or even your finances. God is giving us the authority to change the worked around us. Job 22:28 "You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you; And light will shine on your ways. Proclaim the rule and reign of Jesus over a situation and watch heaven invade. Don't beg God to do what he has already done as if he is a mean old man taunting you. Stand believing and proclaiming that Jesus is King and the Kingdom of Heaven is on the Earth.
I will also encourage you with this, no army has ever occupied an area and actually taken it over without having men on the ground physically there to enforce their rule and reign. Intercessors you are awesome!, but we also need people who are there enforcing what the intercessors have decreed and spoken over an area. Jesus said pray that the Lord send laborers then he himself sent laborers. We must not only pray but be ready to GO as the Lord has commanded us.
Mat 9:36-38 Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd. (37) Then He *said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. (38) "Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest."
Mat 10:1 Jesus summoned His twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every kind of disease and every kind of sickness.
Mat 10:5-8 These twelve Jesus sent out after instructing them: "Do not go in the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter any city of the Samaritans; (6) but rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. (7) "And as you go, preach, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.' (8) "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

9 "The Home Depot Mess-up"

This story is really going to reveal my true humanity. I am still human but as David Hogan puts it "I am working on getting past that". This one is kind of funny but unfortunately the jokes on me. . .

After work one day I had to go pick up some hardware from home depot to fix a busted toilet. As I was walking down an isle headed toward the check outs one of the employees said a brief "how ya doin?" My mind was so frazzled with the idea of the move that my wife and I were going through that I almost ignored him. ( by the way I hate moving. Having to pack up all those boxes and furniture is a pain) I said a quick "Good" and kept walking. After a few steps I thought to myself that my tone was rather rude and felt as if the Lord had something for this guy. Now understand I am still a little frustrated about this move and that has not gone away. What I saw was a picture of a woman that seemed to be either in her late 20's or early 30's. I heard the words "daughter", "out of state" and a "broken relationship that was to be restored".
"Excuse me sir, I have a really weird question for you."
"hope you don't mind a weird answer."
"not at all, do you have a daughter that lives out of state that you don't really have a good relationship with? Cause I felt the Lord say she was going to seek you out to help rebuild a broken relationship."
"nope, don't have a daughter"
"really?! I am definitely open to being wrong but this time I really feel as if I am right."
"nope, no daughter, you are wrong"
Then It hit me what it could have meant. . . "Do you have sons?"
"one of them is married isn't he?"
"Yes, but. . ."
"so you do have a daughter in law?!"
"Yes but they live out of state and I have never met her because me and my son haven't spoken in years. So you are definitely wrong."
I started to get a little upset at this guy. In my mind he was a little dense. (wrong attitude I know but just wait) I tried to explain to him that I was right. So I went over what I said one more time. This guy turned out to be an unbeliever and it was obvious from his tone with me.
"I don't even know her why would she try to find me. That would take a miracle cause my son hates me."
"that's the whole point, Jesus is doing something inside her because he loves you and knows it is on your heart." I said this with a little bit of frustration in my voice.
I prayed for him and left the Home Depot thinking about what had just happened. It reminded me of the time I had asked an older lady in the mall if she had a problem with breathing and allergies at times and she assured me that she didn't. Even with her I knew that I had heard the Lord right and kept questioning her and then after about 5 minutes she said "no I am sorry but I don't have troubles with that. . ." Then she went on to name the drug that took care of the symptoms that I had just described. I was a little frustrated then. But then I was soon able to pray for her and she was healed.
On the way out of the parking lot The lord spoke to me and said "I was wanting to show him grace and mercy and you showed him frustration. Go Back!"
"Dad-gum-it!" I turned around and headed back into home Depot to make things right. I had just misrepresented God and I knew it. It took me 10 minutes to find the guy and when I found I apologized and prayed for him. He was really happy to see me this last time. He started to understand that there was know way I could have known all of that and It definitely was from God. But I learned a valuable lesson. DON"T BE A MORON and MISREPRESENT JESUS!

8 "Miracles with the Homeless"

For a little over two weeks now we have been taking a team down into Downtown Atlanta to bring the Kingdom of Heaven. And the Kingdom of Heaven is making an impact....

"Hello, we are just here to tell you something... Jesus is King and the Kingdom of Heaven is on the Earth." Most of the responses after this are ones of shock or disbelief but still we continue. "We are here to prove it..." If you thought the first part brought weird looks saying that we will prove it really gets their attention. And the coolest part about it is we did, we proved it!

D (that is what I will call him) was sitting on a park bench at the far end of Big Head Park, as the locals call it. He and a friend seemed to be minding their own business when we approached. "Jesus is King and the Kingdom of Heaven is on the Earth." Before I could get much farther I asked him "so what is all this turmoil about your mom? It is really getting to you?" A look of total shock came over his face and I proceeded to tell him his own story of the broken relationships he has had. I then explained briefly to him about the Kingdom of Heaven and the Power of God that could set him free. Soon we were praying and D was born again.
Tonight the words of Knowledge were really flowing with the whole team. I had taken my 7 year old with me this time and he and I and a friend were talking to a lady when we noticed the rest of the group causing a commotion a few benches over. A man that they had started talking to was in an uproar because "they would dare approach him with this nonsense." It was starting to get the attention of the people in the park. I turned my attention back to the lady and asked if there was anything I could pray for. Her response was the normal "no, I am fine." That doesn't work well with people that can hear from the Lord.
"Okay, but let me share something with you I feel like the Lord is showing me. You have two children, am I right?"
"Were you in an abusive relationship at the time that one of them was still in the womb?"
Here eyes lowered and a very faint "yes" came out.
I want to tell you that the Lord says that nothing that that man said about you is true, you are not worthless, you are very beautiful and you are not stupid. As a matter of fact you are a very out going person who loves being the social butterfly. You make everyone laugh and. . ."
I went on to give her some other details and her face began to shine.
One of the girls that was with me from our team took it a step further and told some things about here kids. "You really poured everything you had into your kids but as you look back you see something that you really would have changed. . ." The details were pretty astounding and the lady began to cry. The girl from our team finished with, "Jesus is going to give you the chance to help change some of those things."
While she was giving the word I kept hearing the Lord say "yes she will be married again and this time it will be awesome." When I told her I thought she was going to come out of her seat. By this time the tears were flowing freely.
"I told you the Lord knows exactly what is going on."
"And it seems so do you..." Was her reply to me.
"Only because the Lord tells me. He loves you. If you will surrender your life to Him His Kingdom will come and live in and with you."
After we had prayed with her we turned our attention back to the man behind us who seemed pretty agitated earlier. He now looked like a totally different man. Jesus had given one of the guys on our team a specific word that "read his mail". He was total quiet and listening intently. The Change that came over this man's face was indescribable. Before he was as high as a kite and looked as if he was ready to pounce on the next person that spoke but now hew was just as calm and content.
Soon he was born again...
Jesus is awesome!

This is just a few of the stories that happened that night. I will you keep you updated on others as I have time to write.