Act 1:8 "but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth." This has been our commission from the beginning of this new age. For centuries Christians have been looking to this verse as a compass for their life and purpose. It has been a driving verse to me and I can honestly say we are following the call.
Starting in Jerusalem (Woodstock for us), Judea (the metro Atlanta area), Samaria (Jonesboro), and even to the remotest part of the earth (The Republic of Congo). There has been great fruit and power. In Woodstock people continue to get healed, saved, and delivered. Our out reach in Jonesboro has been a blast. The instant healings, salvations and disciples we have made make it well worth the hour trip. Now it is time to continue with the "remotest parts of the earth."
We haven't been back since our trip last March. Things needed to settle down a bit. Our coming at one point could have stirred everything back up again. But now its time to return. I will be leaving the second week in March to go right back into the "Heart of Darkness."
Mat 4:16 "THE PEOPLE WHO WERE SITTING IN DARKNESS SAW A GREAT LIGHT, AND THOSE WHO WERE SITTING IN THE LAND AND SHADOW OF DEATH, UPON THEM A LIGHT DAWNED." This scripture is a perfect scripture for this area. Since we left from our first trip the light has dawned in Brazzaville and Edouard has been an incredible steward of the fire Jesus has given him.
I want to ask you to please pray for my trip and please consider giving towards the costs. Trips into the Congo aren't cheap. This trip will cost a little over $5,000. It really is some of the remotest parts of the world. Where there is darkness the light is that much brighter. Many of you have given in the past and I really do appreciate your support and thank you for sowing into such fertile soil. All the money is sent through our home church. To give double click on this link Congo Support. Make sure to write David Congo Trip in the notes line
Whenever I call Edouard he is over joyed to talk and wants to hear the stories of what is happening here in Atlanta. The stories push him forward and change a lot of the mindsets that have been preached to African cultures for years. I told him stories about my kids and other kids preaching the gospel with signs and wonders and he got excited. Not too long after that while praying for a sick woman in her home, Edouard saw a young neighborhood boy peeking through the window. The young boy was amazed at the healing power of God and began to ask Edouard all kinds of questions. The boy lives in a district far from the church but his parents send him 3 times a week in a bus (overcrowded van) to the church to be discipled. This takes incredible commitment of his families part because that is money they could be using for food. He is now considered one of the leaders in the church and moves incredibly in healings and prophecy. He is only 10 years old.
Edouard is hungry for God and his goal is to see the Kingdom come to Congo. Edouard and his disciples consider our trip in March of 2007 to be the birthday of his church. They have preached the Gospel unwavering in the persecution, imprisonment, and assassination attempts. But they are asking for more. "Come help us! We need more and we know you can impart it to us." I am truly humbled that Edouard looks to us for help. He is such a Godly man. But it is impossible to deny the fruit that has been born from these trips. I know there are many more to come and I look forward to going every time.
More stories and updates to come. Please keep lifting up Edouard in your prayers.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
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